Castles, Abbeys & Monasteries of Ireland
Ireland’s castles are proud defenders of Ireland's history. If walls could speak these castles would tell of thrilling adventures, brave battles, daring sieges and cunning exploits. They would tell tales of clans and families, noble lords, formidable ladies and some unwelcome occupiers - all part of the tapestry of Ireland’s story. Explore the magnificent keeps, donjons and towers that made these castles the ultimate symbols of political power in their time. Take the view from the proud battlements and try find hidden murder holes and secret rooms.
Ireland’s unique Christian heritage has left its impact across the landscape. From the remote beehive huts of the early Christian hermit tradition to the oratories and high crosses of the communal monasteries through to the soaring architectural advances and exquisite sculpture of the Contintental orders these remains bear witness to the spiritual legacy of their founders. Just as in times gone by these sites fill many roles. For the art and architecture enthusiast the sites inspire, for students they are places of learning and discovery, for those looking for calm they offer a space for quiet contemplation.

Ireland was known as the Island of saints and scholars after the Island was converted to Catholicism by our patron Saint Patrick. Many monasteries were founded and some fantastic Abbeys were built by local chieftains and lords.

An abbey is a type of monastery that was used by members of a religious order under the governance of an abbot or abbess. Abbeys provided a complex of buildings and land for religious activities, work, and housing of Christian monks and nuns.

Monasteries in Ireland are buildings or complexes of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, monks or nuns, whether living in communities or alone.
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